02 May 2011

The 30 Day Sim Challenge: Days 9, 10, and 11

Day 9 - Favorite and least favorite expansion pack or version of the game
I may be the only one who thinks so, but World Adventures is easily my favorite expansion pack. Maybe it's because of my archaeological roots, maybe it's because any Sim looks hot dressed as Indiana Jones, maybe it's because I really loved the quest system, even if the replay value wasn't so great. Take your pick. The main reason I adored this expansion pack was because of Egypt. Egyptology is my first love, and having my Sims be able to share that... Well, it was awesome. I also have a bit of a sentimental tie to this game- my sister bought it for me for Christmas the year it came out, not realizing that I didn't have the first game and that my crappy laptop wasn't even capable of playing it. So I waited over a year to be able to play this game, and by the time I was able to, the anticipation made it well worth it! 

My least favorite EP, while I don't have a picture of it up here, is Late Night. But only some aspects of Late Night- and even then, I still love the pack as a whole. I really liked how they did vampires, as opposed to Sims 2. And after seeing them played out in stories by writers such as PiB, I can easily see how badass they can be. That being said, I detest the celebrity system, and I really hate the paparazzi. I do like the gossip/rumors system, but it never really came into play whenever I played Bridgeport. My Sims never got accused of anything. The only REALLY good part of this expansion pack, in my opinion, are the bars. I adore the bars and the drinks. While there are some parts of WA that suck, there are also some parts of LN that are awesome. So it's really a mixed bag, and I can't honestly say I've hated anything the Sims have brought us!

Day 10 - Your favorite celebrity as a Sim (made by you)
To anybody who knows me well, this one's pretty obvious- my favorite celebrity is Nathan Fillion. However, I really don't make celebrity Sims... well, ever. This is the first I've attempted, and I personally don't think it looks a damn thing like him. But, at least I've got something to show for the challenge? XD MOVING ON.

Day 11 - Favorite Sim living in the neighborhood that you didn’t create
If you'd asked me a week or so ago, I don't know who I would have said was my favorite Sim in my neighborhood that I didn't make. But after a certain incident a few days ago... The front runner is clearly Jebediah Kane. The minute I moved him into my neighborhood, he became the town Vigilante, which consisted of him running around "solving crimes" and kicking the bad guys' asses- which, if you know anything about Jeb, is pretty damn ironic. Funnily enough, a few weeks after taking up the position of Vigilante, he abandoned that to become the town Cat Burglar- which seems to suit him so well that he's getting lazy.

I switched back to the Pesce/Evan household after playing with the murderer, and everyone was sporting negative moodlets from seeing Jeb steal from them. But did they call the cops? Nope. Instead, they were all crowded into the kitchen while Jeb strolled up the stairs and decided to take a nap in the master bedroom. Jane marched right in there and bitched at him until he left. It amused me so greatly that he is without a doubt my favorite non-Amelia-created Sim. He's given me so much entertainment in my game. 

Sorry for the huge delay in the meme posts, guys! What with the issue with my game and the house fire, I'm really behind. I'm planning on doing 3 a day until I catch up!


I'm definitely glad that WAs is someone's favorite! It is a good EP--they really all are--and deserves some love.

Also, Indiana sims are HAWT. Love teh Indiana Moe, definitely! :D

Nathan Fillion--mmmmm. Malcolm Reynolds will always hold a special place in my heart! He definitely was a tough pick though, he'd be a hard guy to turn into a Sim. I do see the resemblence, but I won't lie and say he's perfect. STILL... a very hawt sim. ;)

I seriously almost peed my pants when you told me about the Jeb-fiasco, when it happened. Seriously, Jeb causes SO much ruckus in people's games... I'm glad you got such awesome screenshots of it! :D

Given I have a blog that *requires* WA and requires my Sims travel, I am very fond of that EP too.

Indiana Sam was my fav Sam clone ever. Like Moe, he looks good in those clothes.

Aww, she mentioned my vampire story. :) Thanks for that.

I disagree, your Nathan does resemble the real one. It takes a lot of practice to translate real-to-sim for me.

Love Jeb making himself at home. He is a character and a half. :)

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